Empowering horticulturist to achieve a high level of independent
We are professionals in offering a range of services in horticulture sector, for sustainable horticultural production in Malawi.

Our trainings are; Agriculture Technical Vocational Educational and Training (ATVET) fashioned to bridge the skills gap required to improve management and profitability of horticulture enterprises. Our clients include farmers groups, Organisations and all interested individuals in horticulture investment.

CIH provides consultancy services in the following areas: Farmer training facilitation in any horticulture crop production, post-harvest handling and processing Horticulture workshop / training / learning facilitation Landscape design and management Horticulture farm audits Orchard design, establishment and management Training of garden workers in lawn and landscape management Business Development Services (BDS) in horticulture value chains: Business Feasibility Studies (BFS) · Value Chain Analysis (VCA) · Business Plan Development (BPD) · Horticulture Market Development (HMD) · Business Assessment (BAs).

CIH will carry out research in nursery techniques, local greenhouse tomato and other crop production, improved husbandry practices for increased production and quality of horticultural crops, pest and disease control, post-harvest handling, processing as well as marketing of horticultural crops. Generally, CIH will collaborate with other institutions to research and discover and novel pathways to horticulture development.

Horticulture Commodity Sale Outlet
CIH will establish modern fresh and processed horticulture commodity outlets in the major cities of the country. These outlets will create markets for all products produced by its graduates and other farmers.

Horticulture Inputs & Equipment Supply
As a horticulture value chain specialized company, We are happy to supply quality inputs and equipment that will guarantee success in our clients business. We recognize the fact that poor quality, inadequate supply and limited access to horticultural inputs such as planting materials and acceptable chemicals as well as access to the right equipment for usage in horticulture enterprises is one crucial underlying factors behind slowed horticulture development in Malawi. We aim to as much as possible bridge the input and equipment supply gap to complete Our efforts of imparting skills to ensure a vibrant horticulture sector. We are a trusted source of inputs in the categories listed below:
- Grafted fruit tress
- Mushroom Spawn
- Spices seed/planting materials
- Non grafted fruit seedlings
- Assorted Vegetable seed
- Assorted farm level equipment (grafting knives, garden trowels, secateurs, hand sprayers etc)
- Assorted field chemicals for orchards and vegetable fields to control various pests and diseases
We also stock equipment such as:
secateurs • grafting knives & their sharpeners • hoes • axes • etc.